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English Recordings

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  • Australia - superlatives ( recorded by MallyMal ), American

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    1/ Australia is the world's smallest continent.
    2/ Australia is the sixth largest country in the world.
    3/ Australia has got the highest number of reptile species.
    4/ Saltwater crocs are the heaviest and the most dangerous crocodiles in Australia.
    5/ 180 species of sharks inhabit the deep waters around Australia. The great white shark is the most ferocious.
    6/ The box jellyfish is one of the most lethal jellyfish.

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  • Banksy ( recorded by el ), Southern English

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    Banksy is the pseudonym of a British artist known for his urban art but he is also a painter and a film director . We don't know a lot about his real identity , maybe he is called Robert Banks , people say that he's around 40 years old and that he probably lives in Bristol in the South West of England but he's got a very elusive personality.
    While some artists use wheatpaste or stickers ,most of Banksy's works are made with stencils. In his book , "Wall and piece" , he explains why he uses this technique. When he was young he worked very slowly and was often caught red-handed." Stencils allow me to work faster on the spot because a part of the work can be anticipated." he said.

    He often paints animals or people representing authority (soldiers , policemen...)
    He likes playing with the contrasts of colours to make people react. His graffiti is clever, nice and is seen by thousands of passers-by.
    Through his work of arts, he conveys political or poetic messages related to the country he finds himself in.
    Some of his works are parodies of very popular masterpieces like "Girl with a pierced eardrum", a wink to the painting by Vermeer, others denounce child labour or wars while others criticize the use of social network or the pollution of the environment, an example of this can be seen in his latest work, created in a town called "Talbot Harbour" in Wales.

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  • Marine Animals ( recorded by Izzy973 ), British

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    BOY 1: Well, Sam. Here we are at the Oceanographic City of Arts and Sciences of Valencia, the biggest aquarium in Europe.
    BOY 2: Wow! I'm really looking forward to our visit. Can we see dolphins first?
    BOY 1: Yes, there's a dolphin show at ten o'clock. Let's go to the pool!
    BOY 2: Look at that aquarium! I can see a gigantic blue wahle. You can really see all of its body.
    BOY 1: And look at the tentacles on that jellyfish. I wonder what species it is.
    BOY 2: I read that the guides in the blue T-shirts are marine biologists. Why don't you ask him?
    BOY 1: OK, and let's go to the underwater restaurant after the dolphin show.
    BOY 2: Good idea!

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  • NANNY WANTED ( recorded by bobster234 ), UK, southern

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  • NANNY WANTED ( recorded by Izzy973 ), British

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    If you had the opportunity, would you apply for this job? Weigh up the pros and cons.

    On the one hand, it would be interesting to apply for this job because, if I got it, I would work for a very friendly family.
    Moreover, I would live in a beautiful old house and I would have my own bedroom with a kitchen and a bathroom.
    Furthermore, the family would lend me a car.
    Last, but not least, I would get a very good salary so I would be able to save some money.

    Yet, on the other hand, there would be some drawbacks too.
    For example, I would have to live in the middle of nowhere, therefore I would probably feel lonely.
    Besides, I would have a lot of responsibility.
    As a consquence, I would certainly be stressed and a little scared too.
    Last, but not least, if I were stressed, I wouldn’t sleep very well so I would imagine all sorts of supernatural things and I might quit the job like the previous nannies!
    In conclusion, I think that, if I had the opportunity, I wouldn’t apply for this job despite it offering a lot of advantages.

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  • My family ( recorded by Izzy973 ), British

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    Hello, my name´s Paul Mitchell. I was born in London, but we live in Birmingham now. Me and my family live in a big family house. There is a big garden behind the house.
    My mum is Kate, she´s 33 and she works in an office. My daddy is Peter, he is 36 and he is a Science teacher. I am 10 years old and I have got two brothers and a sister. My brothers are twins. They are Sam and Bob. They are 8 years old. My sister is Sofia and she is 3.
    I have got two uncles.
    Uncle Tony is my mum´s brother. He is single. He is 30 years old and he lives in Australia. He´s a doctor.
    Uncle James is my dad´s brother. He is 40 years old and he lives in Birmingham, too. He is married. His wife is Betty. They have got 2 children. My cousins are Steve and Linda. They're 12 and 15 years old. I like them very much.

    My dad’s parents live in Chicago. We visit them every summer. They are Joe and Megan. They live on a farm and they have got horses and cows. Joe is 72 and Megan is 71.
    My mum´s parents are William and Jane. They live in Manchester. William is a policeman and Jane is a nurse. They are 55 years old. I like my family very much.


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