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English Recordings

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  • Fantastic Mr Fox 5 ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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    The next morning, Boggis and Bunce and Bean are digging. The hole they dig is so big they can put a house in it. They are very tired.

    “Dang !” says Boggis. “What a bad idea !”

    “Bean's idea”, says Bunce.

    Boggis and Bunce look at Bean. Bean drinks some cider.
    “Listen,” he says, “I want that fox! I will get that fox!”
    “We can't get him with these shovels, that's for sure,” says the fat Boggis. “I am tired of digging.”
    “What we need is machines....mechanical shovels.” says Bean. “We will have the fox out in five minutes with mechanical shovels.”

    This is a good idea and the other two have to admit it.

    “All right,” Bean says. “Boggis, stay here and see the fox doesn't escape. Bunce and I will go and get our machinery."

    The tall, slim Bean walks away. The small Bunce behind him.

    Soon, two enormous tractors with mechanical shovels arrive. Bean is driving one, Bunce is driving the other. The machines are black. They are monsters.

    “Here we go !” shouts Bean.

    The machines go to work. Trees are falling and the noise is really loud.

    Down the tunnel, the foxes are listening to the noise.
    “What's happening, Dad?” cries the Small Foxes. “What are they doing?”
    Mr Fox doesn't know what is happening or what they are doing.

    “It's an earthquake!” cries Mrs Fox
    “Look!” says one of the Small Foxes. “I can see daylight!”

    They look round and they see two big black tractors on top of them.

    “Tractors!” shouts Mr Fox. “And mechanical shovels! Dig for your lives! Dig, dig, dig!”

  • Fantastic Mr Fox 5 ( recorded by limell ), North American

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  • Part 4 - Answer (3/3) ( recorded by aford ), unspecified accent

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    Another example of what can happen is the wasteland at the end of our street. It belongs to the city council and as children we all used to play there and we thought it was really great because it was so covered in bushes and wild flowers that you could get lost if you went off the little muddy tracks. Then, a few years ago, no doubt thinking they were doing the right thing, the council decided to tidy it up. Now it's just an area of grass where people go to exercise their dogs. There are a few little trees , but basically there's not a lot there any more.

    So, what I'd like to propose this afternoon is that we use this space to create a nature reserve. We think it should be allowed to go back to its natural condition, thus providing a refuge for the local wildlife which may be suffering from the loss of trees in the area. This would, of course, also be a leisure amenity for people who want to get away from the stresses of city living, which is hardly something we would want to deny them.
    So, I would like you to join us in this and...

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  • Part 4 - Answer (2/3) ( recorded by aford ), unspecified accent

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    One especially worrying thing has been that so many trees on the streets have been cut down. We've got really big old trees here in this part of the city, and of course if one gets damaged in a storm or gets a disease, it has to be removed. But this year alone, over one hundred of these trees have been chopped down. Now the reason given for this is that the trees have really extensive root systems which makes it difficult for people laying gas pipes,
    electricity cables and things. But we think these problems are not as serious as they are made out to be, and there's no need for all this destruction.

    What's more, although the local council has agreed to plant new trees in place of the old ones, what they're planting are these little ornamental trees that look nice, but the birds and animals just don't use them in the same way.
    And they're not even saving money, because more suitable trees cost just the same.

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  • ビジネス英会話 ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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    For example?
    What does that mean?
    I'm sorry I don't understand.
    Man, I'm sorry I still don't understand.
    Oh I see.

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  • Spike the dragon ( recorded by micapie ), American

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    Spike is an incredible dragon. He lives in a big cave in a mountain, on a small island.
    He is very scary,
    and he is very courageous.
    He can fly very fast. He can spit fire, and he can become invisible.

    There are many dragons on the island, but Spike is the most intelligent, and he is the biggest. He is probably the most dangerous dragon.

    Spike is big and green. He has small wings and a long tail. He has long pointed teeth. He has 2 short horns on his head, and he has spikes on his tail.


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