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English Recordings

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  • Speaker 4 ( recorded by Owain78 ), London, Neapolitan

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    The first rule about buying a painting is to immediately put aside any notion that this will make you enough money to keep you in your old age. The overriding factor is that you must really like the work itself. Ask yourself, can you imagine it on the wall next to the TV? Are you happy to have this painting as a fixture in your life? With this in mind, you can now set about looking into the art market. You should do your homework. Fine tune your tastes; visit a student exhibition; flick through some contemporary art magazines.

  • Speaker 4 ( recorded by BarbaraAlaska ), US Midatlantic

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  • Speaker 1 ( recorded by Owain78 ), London, Neapolitan

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    In the main summer months, the weather in the capital city is hot and the humidity is terrible. If you're there then, the best thing to do is either to sit in a pool all day or surround yourself with air-conditioning. You could, however, head higher where it's cooler. The Citra Mountains behind the north-east coast have stunning scenery, but the majority never seem to make the effort to get out of the capital, which is a pity because the coast and the mountains are much pleasanter.

  • Speaker 1 ( recorded by barolio ), RP

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  • business conversation01 ( recorded by davebirds ), American (Midwest)

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    1. I would like to ask for $500,000.
    The asking price is $500,000.

    2. I would like to buy it for $500,000.
    I'm willing to buy it for $500,000.
    I can offer $500,000 for it

    1. Rest assured. We will deliver the highest quality.
    2. Trust us. We will provide the highest quality.
    Our products are of the highest quality.

  • business conversation01 ( recorded by barolio ), RP

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  • TIME CAPSULES ( recorded by jake0400 ), British

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  • TIME CAPSULES ( recorded by aford ), unspecified accent

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    What is a time capsule?
    It is a sealed container that is filled with objects from a particular time , so that people in the future will know what life was like back then.
    Where are they stored?
    Sometimes time capsules are buried underground, with a plaque that marks the spot. Currently, four time capsules are even "buried" in space!
    What to put in a time capsule :
    -Letters. Write a letter to yourself. Ask your parents and friends to write you letters.
    -Lists. Write lists of what you love or hate, of your best friends...
    -An outgrown but favorite outfit or pair of shoes
    -A calendar of your year
    -Labels or packaging of your favorite food (like candy wrappers) , price tags...


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