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English Recordings

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  • human infant ( recorded by Shoda ), Standard Arabic, Egyptian Arabic, British English

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  • Hotel 1 ( recorded by Owain78 ), London, Neapolitan

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    We chose this hotel because we knew that the owners had young children of their own. The room could have been a bit bigger, but then it was quite inexpensive. They provided an early supper if you told them in good time, so that the parents could eat in peace later in the cosy dining room. There were hundreds of toys for the children to play with, a huge garden with a playground, ponds and a playhouse. We hardly saw our two all week.

  • Hotel 1 ( recorded by tangavengo ), London

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    We chose this hotel because we knew that the owners had young children of their own. The room could have been a bit bigger, but then it was quite inexpensive. They provided an early supper if you told them in good time, so that the parents could eat in peace later in the cosy dining room. There were hundreds of toys for the children to play with, a huge garden with a playground, ponds and a playhouse. We hardly saw our two all week.

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  • tricky tag questions ( recorded by tangavengo ), London

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    The meat is not ready yet, is it?
    I'll take care that the meat is cooked properly, shall I?
    I go swimming every Friday, don’t I?
    I am right, aren’t I?
    I am playing well, aren’t I?
    My parents have dinner in the cafe, don’t they?
    I have a good idea, don’t I?
    They had a lot of time last year, didn’t they?
    Check that the meat is completely cooked before you serve it up, won’t you?

    These are yours, aren’t they?
    Everybody took the test, didn’t they?
    Somebody has come, haven’t they?
    No one knows this young writer, do they?
    We’ve never been there, have we?
    They found nobody, did they?

    Let him have a rest, will you?
    Let him have a rest, won’t you?
    Let me decide, will you?
    Let me decide, won’t you?
    Let’s have breakfast, shall we? and don’t shout at our parents, will you?

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  • Archaeological discoveries ( recorded by radarsada ), General American

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    Archaeological discoveries have led some scholars to believe that the first Mesopotamian inventors of
    writing may have been people the later Babylonians called Subarians. According to tradition, they came from
    the north and moved into Uruk in the south. By about 3100 B.C, they were apparently subjugated in southern
    Mesopotamia by the Sumerians, whose name became synonymous with the region immediately north of the
    Persian Gulf, in the fertile lower valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates. Here the Sumerians were already well
    established by the year 3000B.C. They had invented bronze, an alloy that could be cast in molds, out of which
    they made tools and weapons. They lived in cities, and they had begun to acquire and use capital. Perhaps
    most important, the Sumerians adapted writing (probably from the Subarians) into a flexible tool of

    Archaeologists have known about the Sumerians for over 150 years. Archaeologists working at Nineveh in
    northern Mesopotamia in the mid-nineteenth century found many inscribed clay tablets. Some they could
    decipher because the language was a Semitic one (Akkadian), on which scholars had already been working for
    a generation. But other tablets were inscribed in another language that was not Semitic and previously
    unknown. Because these inscriptions made reference to the king of Sumer and Akkad, a scholar suggested that
    the new language be called Sumerian. But it was not until the 1890's that archaeologists excavating in
    city-states well to the south of Nineveh found many thousands of tablets inscribed in Sumerian only. Because
    the Akkadians thought of Sumerian as a classical language (as ancient Greek and Latin are considered today),
    they taught it to educated persons and they inscribed vocabulary, translation exercises, and other study aids
    on tablets. Working from known Akkadian to previously unknown Sumerian, scholars since the 1890's have
    learned how to read the Sumerian language moderately well. Vast quantities of tablets in Sumerian have been
    unearthed during the intervening years from numerous sites.

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  • 19 Drones: killing with impunity YES 1-8 ( recorded by GastroVulpes ), American Woman

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    If the statement above came from some cable-TV documentary, it would be easy to dismiss it as scaremongering. However, it actually comes from a report published by Britain’s Ministry of Defence. The comment refers to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) -popularly known as ‘’drones.’’ Military UAV’s serve two purposes: spying and killing –many do both. Drones come in all sizes: the smallest are the size of a laptop, the largest has a wingspan of over 100 meters. This giant is designed to fly nonstop for five years! {{"I don't believe that..."}} Most are fixed-wing aircraft but some of the small ones are more like helicopters and hover. These ‘’quadrotors’’ are amazingly manoeuvrable being able to fly through or around almost any obstacle.

  • 19 Drones: killing with impunity YES 1-8 ( recorded by GastroVulpes ), American Woman

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  • 19 Drones: killing with impunity YES 1-8 ( recorded by fransheideloo1 ), unspecified accent

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