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English Recordings

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  • SENTENCES(The Women on the 6th Floor) ( recorded by Peter ), American English

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  • SENTENCES(The Women on the 6th Floor) ( recorded by EminTX ), American, Texas

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  • Last Titanic survivor gets donation from "Titanic" movie stars ( recorded by Chodarth ), American

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  • Last Titanic survivor gets donation from "Titanic" movie stars ( recorded by Nickm212650 ), Southern California

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  • American design ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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  • American design ( recorded by Peter ), American English

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  • Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish ( recorded by Chodarth ), American

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  • Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish ( recorded by asliae ), American (New England/Mid-Atlantic)

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    Corrected Text

    Wednesday, May 23, 2012

    (Yesterday, my laptop computer was out of order, so I borrowed my husband's laptop while he wasn't using it. It's inconvenient to write my diary entry with it.)

    Today, I read the transcript of Steve Jobs' speech at the Stanford commencement. Actually, this is the first time I've read it from beginning to end. (I had just read parts of it.) The main reason I read it in its entirety is that my husband was inspired by it once again, and urged me to read it too.

    Steve Jobs' speech is well-organized and consists of three stories from his life. In a nutshell, he had to drop out of college, due to the high tuition, so he could sit in on the typeface class that he was interested in, and which he later used for the multiple typefaces of Mac. Thus, he urged the graduates to trust themselves to connect the dots for their future. When he was 30, he was fired by someone whom he had hired when the Apple company was growing well. Even though he was very depressed, he realized that he still loved what he did. Then he started two other companies, NeXT and Pixar. He grew from this experience, and urged the graduates to keep searching for what they love. In addition, he got cancer and almost died. Through surgery, he was cured. He insisted that the graduates should not waste time living someone else's life, and not live according to what other people think, but have the courage to follow their own inner voice because time is limited. In the end, he finished his speech with this quotation, "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish."

    After reading it, I came to respect him more, because he overcame his fear of the future and discovered what he wanted to do when he was down. He went through a tough time, but he used what he learned to grow stronger. Whenever I feel depressed or hopeless about my future, I'd like to remind myself of his speech.

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