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English Audio Request

161 Words / 1 Recordings / 5 Comments
Note to recorder:

English normal speech and intonation please.

Could you help me?
A: I'd be glad to. What is it?
V: I can't find some of the books that are listed in the catalog.
A: Did you write down the numbers of the books you can't find?
V: Yes, I did. Here they are.
A: Was the letter "R" in the right corner of the catalog card?
V: Yes, it was.
A: Evidently you are looking for reference books. "R" means Reference Room.
V: I need some dictionaries.
A: You'll find them in the Reference Room. It's to the left of the main entrance.
V: What about magazines and newspapers?
A: You've to look for them in the Periodical Room. Ask there for a separate catalog for periodicals.
V: Half a year ago, a book on Russian literature was published in England. I checked your catalog and couldn't find it.
A: Do you know the name of the author, the title, and the publishing house?
V: Yes, I do.


  • dialogue ( recorded by JabberVox ), North American Standard

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    Corrected Text

    Could you help me?
    A: I'd be glad to. How can I help?
    V: I can't find some of the books that are listed in the catalog.
    A: Did you write down the numbers of the books you can't find?
    V: Yes, I did. Here they are.
    A: Was the letter "R" in the right corner of the catalog card?
    V: Yes, it was.
    A: Evidently you're looking for reference books. "R" stands for Reference.
    V: I need some dictionaries.
    A: You'll find them in the
    Reference Room. It's to the left of the main entrance.
    V: What about magazines and newspapers?
    A: You have to look for them in the Periodical Room. Ask there for a separate catalog for periodicals.
    V: Half a year ago, a book on Russian literature was published in England.
    I checked your catalog and couldn't find it.
    A: Do you know the name of the author, the title, and the publishing house?
    Yes, I do.


July 9, 2020

Чудесно!) Спасибо за исправления и запись!!))

July 9, 2020

Какое слово звучит после right ? corner

Right. ? Coner

July 9, 2020

Подскажи, пожалуйста, какое слово ты добавил?))

July 9, 2020

right-hand corner (извини, забыл его добавить, так как оно естественно и спонтанно возникло в своей рече, когда я прочитал это)

July 9, 2020

good! :) *в моей речи


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