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English Audio Request

233 Words / 2 Recordings / 2 Comments

<The Present>

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Two weekends ago, I went to Barnes & Noble. Today I'd like to write about one book I saw there. The business section is my favorite part of the store. Among the many books in that section, I found a familiar book called 'The Present'. The author, Spencer Johnson,is the #1 bestselling author of 'Who Moved My Cheese?' There was something really interesting written on the book cover. "The Gift that makes you happier and more successful at work and in life, TODAY!" I was so curious about and wondered "What present makes me happier in my life?" Although I had read this book years ago in Korea, I couldn't quite remember what I had read. So I read it again while sipping a cup of coffee.

I was impressed with the entire book, from start to finish. Above everything else, this book inspired me to know the meaning of the present moment, to live in this moment with my full attention, and to make plans and to do something today.

For me, my weak point is English, although I've lived in the States for years. After reading the book, I made up my mind to start writing in my diary in English. I'd like to finish my entry today with this key quotation:

"Be in the present; Learn from the past; and help create the future."



May 16, 2012

You wrote, "I was so curious about and wondered..."

It looks like there's something missing after "curious." Maybe is should read, "I was so curious about it and wondered..."

May 16, 2012

Thank you for your recording and letting me know what I made a mistake in the sentence. You're right! I'm supposed to add an object, I forgot it often. Your correction is so helpful. I really appreciate it :)


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