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Spanish Audio Request

320 Words / 2 Recordings / 1 Comments
Note to recorder:

Many words I found in the glossary, some I looked up in an online dictionary. So some of the meanings may not be correct - please help me check it.

Please add articles (el, la,...) where necessary, then record each word/phrase twice (ignore english translation) at slow and natural speed.

The reading text is available at

Thank you!!! :)

acompañar con las palmas = to accompany with hand-clapping
africano/-a = African
ampliar = to enlarge / widen
argentino = Argentinian
baile = dance
barrio = (m) district / neighbourhood
boda = (f) wedding
Buenos Aires = the capital and largest city of Argentina
cococido = acquaintance
como = such as
con = with
cubano/-a = cuban
cumpleaños = (m) bithday
de = from / of
del = from the / of the
diverso/-a = diverse / varied
e = and (instead of y before i and hi-)
el conjunto = (m) group / band
el flamenco = (m) flamenco
el instrumento = instrument
el son = sound
el tango = (m) tango
el violín = (m) violin
emigrante = (m, f) emmigrant
España = Spain
español, española = Spanish, Spaniard
este/-a = this
estilo = (m) style
expresar = to express
fiesta = (f) party / fiesta
hoy = today
indígena = native / indigenous
influencia = (f) influence
la base = (f) basis
la guitarra = guitar
la melancolía = (f) melancholy
la músico (m), la música (f) = musician
la salsa = (f) salsa
la trompeta = (f) trumpet
latinoamericano/-a = Latin American (person)
los sonidos = (m, pl) sounds
marginal = marginalised
mariachi = (m) mariachi musician
melodía = (f) melody
México = Mexico
modernizar = to modernise
mundo = (m) world
muy = very / really
nacer en = to be born in
normalmente = (adv) normally
ocho = eight (8)
origen = (m) origin
otro/-a = other / another
popular = popular
principal = main
que = who (relative pronoun)
quinceañero/-a = fifteen-year-old
su = his / her / your / its
sur = (m) South
típico/-a = typical / traditional
tocan = they play (an instrument)
tocar un instrumento = to play a musical instrument
todo el, toda la + n = all the + noun
un = a
uno/-a = one (1)


  • Aula 1: Unidad 1, 10B (Vocabulario) ( recorded by martinsanr ), mexico

    Download Unlock
  • Aula 1: Unidad 1, 10B (Vocabulario) ( recorded by foga12 ), Latin American (Mexico)

    Download Unlock
    Corrected Text

    acompañar con las palmas = to accompany with hand-clapping
    EL africano LA AFRICANa = African
    ampliar = to enlarge / widen
    EL argentino LA ARGENTINA= Argentinian
    EL baile = dance
    EL barrio = (m) district / neighbourhood
    LA boda = (f) wedding
    Buenos Aires = the capital and largest city of Argentina
    EL coNocido LA CONOCIDA= acquaintance
    como = such as
    con = with
    EL cubano LA CUBANA = cuban
    EL cumpleaños = (m) bithday
    de = from / of
    del = from the / of the
    o/-a = diverse / varied
    e = and (instead of y
    before i and hi-)
    el conjunto = (m) group /
    el flamenco = (m) flamenco
    el instrumento = instrument
    el son = sound
    el tango = (m) tango
    el violín = (m) violin
    EL emigrante LA EMIGRANTE= (m, f) emmigrant
    España = Spain
    EL español, LA española = Spanish, Spaniard
    /-a = this
    estilo = (m) style
    expresar = to express
    LA fiesta = (f) party / fiesta
    hoy = today
    EL indígena LA INDÍGENA= native / indigenous
    influencia = (f) influence
    base = (f) basis
    la guitarra = guitar
    la melancolía = (f) melancholy
    la músico (m), la música (f) = musician
    la salsa = (f) salsa
    la trompeta = (f) trumpet
    EL latinoamericano LA LATINOAMERICANA= Latin American (person)
    los sonidos = (m, pl) sounds
    marginal = marginalised
    EL mariachi = (m) mariachi musician
    LA melodía = (f) melody
    México = Mexico
    modernizar = to modernise
    mundo = (m) world
    muy = very
    / really
    nacer en = to be born in
    normalmente = (ad
    v) normally
    ocho = eight (8)
    origen = (m) origin
    o/-a = other / another
    popular = popular
    principal = main
    que = who (relat
    ive pronoun)
    EL quinceañero LA QUINCIAÑERE= fifteen-year-old
    su = his
    / her / your / its
    sur = (m) South
    EL t
    ípico LA TÍPICA = typical / traditional
    tocan = they play (an instrument)
    tocar un instrumento = to play a musical instrument
    todo el
    , toda la + n = all the + noun
    un = a
    / UNa = one (1)


Aug. 9, 2016

Thanks a lot for your help, Martin!