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English Audio Request

132 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments

We Japanese ironically call high functional cellular phones developed in a unique way in Japan "Galapagos cellular" or "Galapagos keitai", "Galackei" for short, as opposed to Smart phones, iphone for example.
As the Galapagos Islands are a geographically remote archipelago and has been isolated from the rest of the world, many endemic species have evolved without interference of humans or introduction of foreign species of plants and animals.
Similarly, Japanese cellular phones have independently developed without comforting to global standards, integrating a variety of high-tech features such as an e-money service, digital TV, and a TV program recorder.
However, Smart Phones are monopolizing the market at present.
Samsung in South Korea and Apple in the States have achieved a dominant share.
Japanese appliance makers are left far behind in the global competition.



June 11, 2012

はい、どうぞ。Sorry if I didn't pronounce "Galackei" correctly. Let me know if you need it slower or louder.

June 16, 2012

Thank you.