Will you please record the following text at a normal speed but not too fast.
Pause after each person please.
Thank you.
I'd love it if various English speaking countries with different accents could do it. :)
Marilyn Monroe was not meant to become an actress. Born in a poor family she struggled to make it to Hollywood. She got to married to Norman Miller but their marriage didn't last too long.
Charlie Spencer Chaplin was born in London, England, on April 16th 1889. From a very early age, he had to work to survive.
Considered one of the best actors of his generation, Robert De Niro built a durable star career out of his formidable ability to disappear into a character. He often played the roles of tough guys with an Italian accent.
Bill Murray's most memorable movies are Tootsie, Ghostbusters and Lost in Translation.
Sarah Jessica Parker's most famous TV series is Sex and the City in which she played the trendy and somewhat desperate New York girl dying to get married to Mr Right.
Vim Diesel's blockbuster is called Fast and Furious. Lovers of fast cars and uncomplicated dialogues will be ravished.
Jean Reno is a French actor who played in many American movies including The Da Vinci Code and Godzilla. In France, people remember him for his performance in the film Nikita.
Being trapped in a hostile environment, surrounded by dangerous Vietnamese soldiers has never been a problem for -9- who also played the role of a tough boxer in Rocky.
Leslie Nielsen was an actor who loved comedies and whose white hair and serious looks will be remembered. His most famous role was in the film called Airplane!
In the United States, Charlie Spencer Chaplin is known as Charlie Chaplin. Also it would be more typical to cite his place of birth as London instead of London,England.
Jean is often pronounced the same way we would say Levi jeans (without the "s" of course). However since Jean is from France it is likely that he pronounces his name in the way I recorded.
If Jean Reno is dead...
Jean Reno is a French actor who played ... is correct.
If Jean Reno is still alive and there is a chance that he might play in other films...
Jean Reno is a French actor who has played ... is correct
I read "-9-" as "nine." Normally peoples names are written with letters. One famous exception would be, "the singer formally known as Prince," whose name was, at one time, legally changed to a written symbol that did not contain English letter or numbers.
Best wishes,
TeacherNia :)