I would like the reading at natural speed please.
Please note in brackets the tone I'd like each sentence to be read in - but don't pronounce that. Usually, the tone is rising when you need information and rising-falling for confirmation and surprise but go with the flow! ;)
Thank you!
1. Are you sure that Pam is the right person for the job? (needing information)
2. Did you receive her file? (needing confirmation - stress on "you")
3. Was Calvin present at the meeting? (expressing surprise)
4. Has Bernie called today? (needing information)
5. What did she say to them? (expressing surprise)
6. Can you read this document? (needing confirmation, stress on "you")
7. Shall we meet on Tuesday instead? (needing information)
8. Alright I understand what you're saying but, will Julian do it? (needing confirmation, stress on "Julian")
9. And you were OK with that? (expressing surprise)
10. How should I know? (expressing surprise)