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English Audio Request

243 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Once upon a time, there lived three billy goat brothers: Little Billy, Middle Billy, and Big Billy.

One day, they decided to cross the bridge to eat the sweet green grass on the other side.

There was only one problem. A mean troll lived under it.

CLOMP, CLOMP, CLOMP! Little Billy started across the bridge. Then he heard a craggy voice.

“Stop there! I am going to eat you."

“Wait for my brother. He is bigger and much more delicious than I!” cried Little Billy.

“What a fine idea,” said Troll, licking his lips. And with that, Little Billy crossed the bridge.

CLOMP, CLOMP, CLOMP! Middle Billy started across the bridge. Then he heard a craggy voice.

“Stop there! I am going to eat you up!” yelled Troll.

“Wait for my brother. He is bigger and much more delicious than I!” cried Middle Billy.

“What a fine idea,” said Troll, licking his lips. And with that, Middle Billy crossed the bridge.

CLOMP, CLOMP, CLOMP! Big Billy started across the bridge. Then he heard a craggy voice.

“Stop there! I am going to eat you up!” yelled Troll. “Okay said Big Billy, for he had a sneaky plan.

When Troll climbed onto the bridge, Big Billy butted him so hard that he fell in the water with a giant SPLASH!

After that, the three brothers crossed the bridge whenever they liked. And, my, was
that sweet green grass delicious!


  • The Three Billy Goats Gruff ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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May 26, 2020

Thanks a lot!


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