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English Audio Request

150 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments

Once upon a time, the Little Red Hen decided to plant some wheat.
“Who will help me plant this?” she asked.

“Not us,” said lazy Dog and Cat and Duck.
“I will just have to do it myself,” she said.

Before long, all the wheat was tall.
“Who will help me cut this?” asked Little Red Hen.

“Not us,” said lazy Dog and Cat and Duck.
“I will just have to do it myself,” she said.

Before long, all the wheat was cut.
“Who will help me make this into bread?” asked Little Red Hen.

“Not us,” said lazy Dog and Cat and Duck.
“I will just have to do it myself,” she said.

Before long, all the bread was baked.
“Who will help me eat this?” asked Little Red Hen.

“Us!” said hungry Dog and Cat and Duck.
“Nope, I will just have to do it myself,” she said.



May 18, 2020

Thanks a lot!

May 18, 2020

You are welcome.