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English Audio Request

154 Words / 2 Recordings / 1 Comments

Paul Bunyan is quite a hero, and is he ever tall!
He is taller than a grizzly.
He is taller than a redwood.
In fact, his head, it scrapes the sky!
When folks spot his giant footprints, they all shout, “My oh my!”
With Babe, his trusty blue ox, Paul roams across this land
and is ready, willing, and able to lend a helping hand.
Of all the lumberjacks, far and wide, Paul is the very best!
He chops trees in the north. He chops trees in the west.
It’s said he filled the Great Lakes just to give his pal a drink!
He formed the Rocky Mountains just as quickly as a wink!
He made a lot of rivers and planted forests, too.
He can eat 500 pancakes and 1,000 bowls of stew!
So if you’re walking in the woods
Shout “hello” to big Paul Bunyan— he’ll bend down to shake your hand!



April 30, 2020

Sorry for the long pause :)
I hope I helped :)