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Chinese - Mandarin Audio Request

1110 Characters / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
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爱护 àihù cherish; treasure; take good care of
半导体 bàndǎotǐ semi-conductor
半拉 bànlǎ half
榜样 bǎngyàng example; model
傍晚 bàngwǎntoward evening; at nightfall
保卫 bǎowèidefend safeguard
碑 bēi tablet
本领 běnlǐng skill; ability; capability
逼 bī force
编 biān plait; weave
扁 biǎn flat
便条 biàntiáo informal note
遍 biàn all over
标点 biāodiǎn punctuation
捕 bǔ catch
补 bǔ patch
不仅 bùjǐn not only
布置 bùzhìfix up; arrange; decorate
踩 cǎi tread; stamp on
采 cǎi cull; pick
采购 cǎigòu purchase; go shopping
采取 cǎiqǔtake adopt
藏 cáng hide
测验 cèyàn test; examination
插 chā thrust
叉子 chāzi fork
拆 chāi unweave
尝 cháng taste
抄 chāo copy
抄写 chāoxiě transcribe; copy
彻底 chèdǐ thorough going; thorough
趁 chèn avail oneself of
成就 chéngjiù achievement; success
成熟 chéngshú mature; ripe
成长 chéngzhǎng grow up
诚恳 chéngkěn honest; sincere
诚实 chéngshí honest
翅膀 chìbǎng wing
重叠 chóngdié overlap
崇高 chónggāo lofty; high; sublime
抽象 chōuxiàng abstract
初步 chūbù initial; preliminary
处分 chǔfèn 闯




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