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English Audio Request

158 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments
Note to recorder:

Australian accent would be great. British accent will do :)
Thanks a lot !

How many Australians do you think there are ? there are 25 million Australians.
There is a lot of land but not many inhabitants. Now, where do most Australians originate from ? Well, Europe actually.

90 % of Australians are from Europe, mainly from the British isles. In the 1820s, the British sent their prisoners to Australia. Now you must wonder if all Australians descend from former prisoners ? Not today.

In the 1900s, some gold was found. It attracted a lot of people. Then, more settlers came, sometimes encouraged by free travel and land grants.

After World War I, Australia had a 'white Australia' immigration programme. Only white immigrants could enter. But this controversial, racist Policy was abandoned in 1973.

Today, lots of immigrants come from Asia and Oceania. Competition to enter the country is very hard and more people are rejected than accepted. Immigration is carefully managed : immigrants have to have the right skills.


  • AUSTRALIA ( recorded by DBW ), Australian

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    What is the population of Australia
    ? There are 25 million Australians.
    Australia is a big country by area but with not many inhabitants. You may wonder, where do most Australians originate from? The answer is Europe, actually.

    90 % of Australians are from Europe, mainly coming from the British isles. In the 1820's, the British sent their prisoners to Australia. Now you must wonder if all Australians descend from former prisoners? While in the past this may have been it is not the case today.

    In the 1900s, gold was discovered. It attracted a lot of people. After this period more settlers came, sometimes encouraged by free travel and land grants.

    After World War I, Australia had a 'White Australia' immigration programme. This meant that only white immigrants could enter. However, this controversial, racist Policy was abandoned in 1973.

    Today, lots of immigrants come from Asia and Oceania. To be eligible to enter the country is very difficult and more people are rejected than accepted. Immigration is carefully managed. It is necessary for immigrants to have the right skills.


May 21, 2020

Thank you so much DBW !


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