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English Audio Request

170 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments
Note to recorder:

If you find errors or unnatural expressions, please let me know! Thanks

Put some music on

Do you want to stand in the corner?
Do you want me to put you to stand in the corner?

she waved goodbye to him
she gave them a wave

Do I need special insoles for my shoes?

the cat licked the cream off the cake

I licked my finger

This is definitely the most delicious breaded soy we have ever tried!

This was the most insane hail storm or storm in general I have ever seen!

National symbols of Argentina

shift yourself, will you!
I can't shift this nail
Don't worry about cleaning that up, the day shift will do it in the morning.

Move the gear shift lever to give the desired forward speed.

I can't use my hand until the cut on it heals over

I crammed all my things into a case.
His car was crammed with boxes

Do you want me to put you in time-out?
Do you want me to put you in the corner?
Do you need a time-out?"



April 29, 2012

Gracias Scienfish!

April 30, 2012

de nada! ;D


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