For years and years I have seen that learning English as a foreign language, which is one of the modern living musts, is a source of inevitable disappointment, perplexing and frustration. You should involve yourself to a great deal of tiring work. You have to memorize thousands of vocabularies and hundreds of expressions and phrases and when you complete them, you just find yourself in a great need to repeat the whole process again and again for simply you are a human and you forget some significant part, not saying all, of the learning material.
Worse still, you commit yourself to learning things that you don't use in your daily life. You sometimes feel as if you deal with ghosts because you see them but you hear no voices . You are not so sure that they really exist.
What makes the matter unbearable that you often learn from a teacher who has been taught using the same method. And that's why you will find them obliged to deliver you your share of pain. They keep saying loudly, “No pain no gain”, while you feel the pain, you don't see the gain or see that it doesn't deserve all that torture.
We deal with English only to get qualifications therefore we are not so interested in mastering it except when we try to get a job, a visa or admittance in a university.
That was the case until recently when the international network provided its contribution and helped the world to become the global village, we finally had the precious opportunity to exposure to significant deal of English audio and text files which helped us a lot to listen to English as it is uttered by native speakers.
One of the most remarkable examples of this Cultural Revolution is Lingq system. You have an integrated library with a various topics and diverse lessons graded from the beginner's level to the advanced one. You can read and listen to a lesson at the same time. This approach has a great effect on your reading speed which is said to be among the most important factors in leaning generally and learning a language in particular. It also helps you to enhance your yield of vocabularies and be more confident. The air in the site is so relaxing but at the same time you feel the hard work .It is not an easy equation to solve. I think the people there know what they are doing. While they are so professional, they haven't lost the amateur spirit yet. If we enjoy ourselves going out in about at that promising site, it hasn't come from a void.
In this wonderful system, you are intended to have fun learning English. You are encountered with this for the first time. Instead of "No pain....” you will hear all the time," We are better at things that we are interested in, so go find your ecstasy and set off in your way to learning English. "
Thanks a lot.