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English Audio Request

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Topic: Many people choose to travel abroad to learn a foreign language instead of studying in their home town. Do the advantages of learning a new language in this way outweigh the disadvantages?

Model answer:

Learning a new language can be challenging. While many people are able to do this in their own country, some choose to travel abroad to help with their studies. There are several factors affecting the success of such a plan.

The disadvantages of doing a language course overseas are significant. Firstly, there is the cost to consider. As well as flights and tuition fees, money is needed for day-to-day expenses, such as food and accommodation. Indeed, it may be too expensive for many. In addition, living away from family and friends can lead to loneliness, and being surrounded by a strange new culture can increase this sense of isolation. Such problems can even be severe enough to interfere with learning, thus defeating the object of the trip.

Nevertheless, these issues can generally be resolved, and there are definite rewards to studying a language in the country where it is the mother tongue. Although it may be expensive, students can get a part-time job to help meet their needs. Through work and school, they can socialise and make friends, and are likely to feel less homesick as a result. Any new culture feels strange at first, but it is also exciting and creates a much richer language learning experience; for example, through being able to enjoy the literature and music of the country. Furthermore, the access to native speaker teachers, and the total immersion in the language means it is possible to reach a far higher level than in your home town. Clearly, there is a lot to be gained from an opportunity like this.

To sum up, although some may struggle to adapt to the new culture and deal with financial issues, those who overcome these will undoubtedly be enriched by this invaluable experience. In my view, the potential benefits more than make up for any disadvantages.




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