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Chinese - Mandarin Audio Request

760 Characters / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please read at natural speed -only the Chinese words- leaving some pause between them. If the translation to some word is wrong, please correct it using the most common word you know for that word. Feel free to use the more familiar words for the English words provided.

演员 actor
形容词 adjective
成人 adult
下午 afternoon
空气 air
机场 airport
活着 alive
动物 animal
公寓 apartment
苹果 apple
四月 April
胳膊 arm
陆军 army
艺术 art
艺术家 artist
攻击 attack (noun)
八月 August
作者 author (noun)
婴儿 baby
背部 back (body)
后面 back (direction)
坏 bad
袋子 bag (noun)
球  ball
香蕉 banana
乐队 band (music)
银行 bank
酒吧 bar (location)
浴室 bathroom
海滩 beach
鬍子 beard
打击 beat (verb)
漂亮 beautiful
床 bed
卧室 bedroom
牛肉 beef
啤酒 beer
弯 bend (verb)
饮料 beverage
自行车 bicycle
大 big/large
帐单 bill (noun)
亿万 billion
鸟 bird
黑色 black
盲人 blind (adjective)
血 blood
蓝色 blue
船 boat
身体 body
骨头 bone
书 book
瓶子 bottle
底部 bottom
箱子 box (noun)
男孩 boy
头脑 brain
面包 bread
打破 break (verb)
早饭 breakfast
桥 bridge (noun)
哥哥 brother (elder)
弟弟 brother (younger)
棕色 brown
建设 build (verb)
建筑 building
燃烧 burn (verb)
公共汽车 bus
买 buy (verb)


  • 第一张词表 ( recorded by syzhk3 ), Standard Chinese/Simplified Chinese

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March 23, 2015

I like your voice!
Thank you very much!

March 25, 2015

I'm glad that you like it.


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