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Czech Audio Request

91 Words / 2 Recordings / 0 Comments

Z technických důvodů zavřeno.
Closed due to technical reasons.

Volané číslo neexistuje
The number you are calling does not exist.

Ukončete výstup a nástup, dveře se zavírají!
Stop getting off or getting on, the doors are closing!
(Prague subway announcement)

Příští zastávka: Náměstí Republiky
Next stop: Náměstí Republiky

Máte přání?
May I help you?

Dám si jedno pivo prosím.
I'll have a beer please.

Kolik to stojí?
How much does it cost?

We're ready to pay.

Je tu obsazeno?
Is this seat taken?

Smím prosit?
Would you like to dance?




You can use our built-in RhinoRecorder to record from within your browser, or you may also use the form to upload an audio file for this Audio Request.

Don't have audio recording software? We recommend Audacity. It's free and easy to use.