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English Audio Request

445 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments

I know when I see the polyglot heavyweights among us wave their imaginary claymores among the doubters and the unmotivated I start to shiver a bit…It’s quite intimidating to know one phrase of your English arsenal has been disarmed. Which phrase is this, one might ask….” You can’t“. Honestly let’s not kid ourselves, whether we are quite aware of it or not or seek it…Knowing the possibilities of anything can make one feel quite superior. So when someone tells another human “You cannot learn Chinese without living in China” “You can’t speak French in less than five years” etc etc… What does it really mean? Unfortunately we are human beings and not robots so negativity can be computed within us quite palpably …With that said, when a successful Polyglot brandishes their small army of languages they defy this phrase. Regardless some of us are more prone to this phrase because we can find a kernel of truth to it that the speaker was not aware of. The speaker says this because they are ignorant of LL methods, Negative, Propose that French, Chinese etc. is too hard to listen to or pronounce etc. Basically misinformation. What we as receivers of this negativity have to confront is the YOU. not the FRENCH, CHINESE etc. YOU cannot learn Chinese in 3 years? vs You cannot learn CHINESE in 3 YEARS.
…perhaps I cannot learn Chinese because I’m too lazy, not motivated, have a fear of speaking to strangers, racist etc etc. The list goes on. These are reasons only I would know. These are issues we need to confront when learning a language that can even precede things like materials, tutors, time management etc. When I see amazing polyglots I don’t think “Wow his Swedish, Macedonian, Turkish is so good, he must have an amazing ear for pronunciation” Rather I think “They conquered laziness”"They conquered racism” “They conquered being unmotivated”. These aspects of learning are in my opinion MUCH more difficult than mastering the Nine tones of Cantonese or the 3 genders in language etc. These men and women are so much more than that. Language learning is an everyday every thought every word kind of discipline, and to embrace it is simply beautiful. This is why so many language learners are not just successful in one aspect of their lives, they believe in the language they are learning much like they believe in prospect of fulfillment after a great meal.
Suffice to say what I want us to receive from this post is that:
1.Confront your barriers, first by identifying them. Ask yourself why YOU can’t learn X language.
2.Appreciate the worlds we can discover by learning.



June 29, 2012

Hola! There were a few grammatical errors in this piece which tripped me up a little but I think it came out alright in the end. I hope you're happy with it!



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