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English Audio Request

358 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments

What does it mean to build your potential in a language. Does it mean you learn the most off the wall colloquial vocabulary? Does it mean you practice a regional dialect tirelessly?
Actually, no. It really means studying…or rather a form of studying. For example
I study how the past participle endings change in Italian when a Direct object pronoun proceeds the auxiliary verb.
I build my potential by understanding why the endings change, I then look up some exceptions to this rule in the target language.
The difference here is that, while both are important…Potential lets you bridge a gap in understanding when you encounter this rule as you are more advanced in the language. The point here is that you do not need to “know” which which verbs are irregular or exceptions etc. What you promote is awareness. Awareness in language learning leads to amazing gains in fluency level. If one listen and reads in a language for good amount of time before being concerned with speaking, it’s guaranteed that their potential with the language’s utility will be great. Many people condemn language learning to one skill…Speaking. Its unfortunate that’s the case but when we talk about Fluency we mean “Speak like water” Flowing speech. In essence this task is not difficult to obtain if one speaks constantly, but the speech may lack substance. The ability to use the language in its multidimensional facets includes “Time spent with the language”. Exposure is great because your brain will absorb what it takes in, even if it doesn’t understand. As one progresses with a language the dots start to connect and uncover how the language exists in reality. Its important to note that language learning is 4 dimensional and if one just seeks to fluently speak in a short amount of time, their potential will be limited.
Therefore for some they might start speaking earlier but lack the grounding and intimacy of the language someone who has been reading and listening and exploring with the language might. Speaking is not a skill that should be rushed, its the fruition of being intimate with language and understanding its utility.


  • Build your potential don’t just study… ( recorded by Kotare ), New Zealand

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