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3. Teach someone else your target language(s). If you are fortunate enough to find a friend whom is interested in learning the same language you are then you are in luck! In my personal life I have a friend who wants to learn Italian, granted I am way more advanced than he, it really doesn’t matter. By giving teaching him simple grammatical rules or explaining word usage etc. It allows to me focus on the language and create a ramp in which I am successfully refreshing and reenforcing the language in me. This confidence is important, one should always be able to explicate what they have learned, it’s is the single greatest thing we can do in language, in my humble opinion. Whether its making pancakes, tying shoelaces etc. or how to form a past tense statement.
*Being native allows you artfully dodge the most compromising situations with expert language use (Master it if you are married!)
There are many other ways to create momentum, such as speaking to natives, setting your phone/cpu setting to a target language etc.
WE CAN CREATE MOMENTUM, let the wind of language learning push you! Your brain wants to learn and connect the dots, let’s help it without exhausting it!
Its so much more motivating to learn when you incorporate low stress, high probability success activities in your life. It would be hard to climb a mountain without some kind of momentum, there is success along the way, small ramps. Making it 1/3 up the mountain is a huge feat, so is 1/2 way. There is always a way to help yourself accomplish the hardest things in life, and they could be the most simple/non-stressful things ever.


  • Language Momentum: How we can create it and make it a part of everyday life. Part 2 ( recorded by cmcpeak ), American (slight Midwestern accent)

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