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English Audio Request

112 Words / 3 Recordings / 0 Comments
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Native American or British speaker. Natural speed, please. Thank you.

The lifestyle that these influencers push – with their backdrops of white walls and expensive candles, tiny yappy dogs, luxury holidays and compliant boyfriends, is the overarching problem for me. These impossibly white-teethed people producing videos about extortionately-priced designer bags and other unattainable-for-most goods that they only have through courting greedy brands is pretty revolting and totally unrealistic.
They use their audience (usually young) to achieve a lifestyle that their audience could never afford. You only need to see the comments of vulnerable people below (e.g. ‘I was feeling really anxious until your video came up in my feed’), as well as other sycophantic drivel, to see the power that they wield.




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