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Russian Audio Request

100 Words / 4 Recordings / 0 Comments
Note to recorder:

- Slow speed, native Russian and female voice preferred.

- Also add some vocabulary for each letter in the alphabet, e.g. if it was say english word D then say duck, but its important they are not cognates in terms of English. Ensure spacing of a few seconds is done between each word and letter as its pronounced.

- Edit any words you add into the text please.

а = a
Б = be
в = ve
г = gr
д = de
е = ye
ё = yo
ж = zhe
з = ze
и = i
й =
к = ka
л = el
м = em
н = en
о = o
п = pe
р = er
с = es
т = te
у = u
ф = ef
х = kha
ц = tse
ч = che
ш = sha
щ = shcha
ъ = tvyor.dih.znak
ы = ih
ь = znak
э = e
ю = yu
я = ya


  • Russian Alphabet ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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  • Russian Alphabet ( recorded by OksanaYA ), russian

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  • Russian Alphabet ( recorded by rasswet ), unspecified accent

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  • Russian Alphabet ( recorded by Siberia ), -

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    Corrected Text

    а = a арка
    Б = be боязнь
    в = ve верёвка
    г = gr гиря
    д = de деталь
    е = ye естественный
    ё = yo ёж
    ж = zhe железный
    = ze забияка
    и = i истина
    й = йод
    к = ka крахмал
    = el лечить
    м = em мрак
    н = en ничего
    о = o отвёртка
    п = pe попытка
    р = er раскаяние
    = es средство
    т = te тощий
    у = u универмаг
    ф = ef физиономия
    х = kha хвалиться
    ц = tse цистерна
    ч = che читатель
    ш = sha шаг
    щ = shcha щенок
    ъ = tvyor.dih.znak
    ы = ih
    ь = znak
    э = e экзамен
    ю = yu юная
    = ya ядовитый



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