British or American accent (natural speed)
Part 1
Harry was scared by Slytherin when he first started at Hogwarts. When the Sorting hat was set on his head. It actually shows two possibilities: Harry was brave and somewhat chivalrous, the way Gryffindors are but he was also ambitious, cunning and resourceful and all those are Slytherin qualities. He is quick with his tongue and he has no trouble in disrespecting authorities.
His determination, his willing to use all methods to achieve his course.
He can speak with snakes and snakes are the house mascots.
But because Harry wanted anything other than Slytherin, he was placed in Gryffindor.
Part 2
While Hermione is actually a model Ravenclaw, sure she belongs to the Gryffindor house but she possesses all the Ravenclaw qualities. In fact, she is the smartest student at Hogwarts, smartest than any Ravenclaw mentioned in the books, there's no doubt about that.
In fact, people in the story even question why she wasn't put in Ravenclaw.
Could it be because she wished to be Gryffindor as well.
Part 3
Ron, on the other hand, fits in the Hufflepuff house. Loyalty, dedication, patience and fairness are all Hufflepuff qualities and they are all qualities that Ron embodies, especially the loyalty part.
Remember how in the first film, Ron sacrifices himself during a chess game just to let Harry continue his mission. There are several heroic things Ron does throughout the series but that's always loyalty that makes him do so.
Ron is actually a great friend, even after failing time and time again, his loyalty will make him come back to his friends.
Thanks you for your recording ! That's what I needed !