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Japanese Audio Request

157 Characters / 2 Recordings / 0 Comments
Note to recorder:

would like to have the correct formal and informal way to respond to these questions. And what they sound like.

1. Where did you learn japanese/Who taught you japanese?
2. What do you do for a living/Work?
3. Have you been to japan?
4. What other languages do you speak
5. How did you learn japanese


  • BASICS ( recorded by ryujiro ), native Japanese

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    Corrected Text

    1. Where did you learn japanese/Who taught you japanese?
    どこで にほんごを まなびましたか? だれに にほんごを まなびましたか?

    2. What do you do for a living/Work?
    おしごとは なにを なさっていますか? ごしょくぎょうは なんですか?
    3. Have you been to japan?
    にほんに いったことが ありますか?
    4. What other languages do you speak
    ほかの がいこくごが しゃべれますか?
    5. How did you learn japanese
    どんなふうにして にほんごを べんきょうしましたか?

  • BASICS ( recorded by sknc3 ), unspecified accent

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    Corrected Text

    1. Where did you learn japanese/Who taught you japanese?
    どこで にほんごを まなびましたか? だれに にほんごを まなびましたか?

    2. What do you do for a living/Work?
    おしごとは なにを なさっていますか? ごしょくぎょうは なんですか?
    3. Have you been to japan?
    にほんに いったことが ありますか?
    4. What other languages do you speak
    ほかの がいこくごが しゃべれますか?
    5. How did you learn japanese
    どんなふうにして にほんごを べんきょうしましたか?



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