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English Audio Request

193 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments

(June 22, 2011)My lovely Betty and Zang-ah`s Conversation.
Just a moment ago,I recorded my lovely Betty and Jjang-ah`s Korean conversations and I uploaded them on my blog.
Today`s pictures are ones that I took a few years ago.
The first picture is one that I took of them when I finished cutting their hair/(grooming their hair) three years ago.
The second picture is one which I took of them when the World Cup football (or 'soccer' in American English) game was held in Seoul.
Seeing old pictures again gives me a good feeling.
I miss those times~~
If you want to see more pictures of Betty and Jjang-ah, you can try to go there.(If you want to know about hear/ read/ Betty and Jjang-ah`s other conversations, you can try to visit and listen to their voices. ^.^)
Oh, yesterday last night I cut both my dogs' hair by myself again.
Cutting two dogs' hair all by myself, it`s really not easy for me.
However this time I feel so good and fresh, I am satisfied with what I have done.
It looks like I finished my old homework.
I feel so fresh now!



June 29, 2012

방금전에 오늘 나의 사랑스러운 베티와 짱아의 (한국어)대화를 녹음해서 제 블로그에 올렸어요.
오늘 사진은 몇년전의 사진입니다.

첫번째 사진은 3년전에 제가 직접 미용을 한 후 찍은 사진이고요.
두번째 사진은 월드컵 축구경기가 열릴 때 응원 가려는 모습을 찍은 겁니다.

만약 베티 장아의 대화가 더 궁금하신 분은 제 블러그에 가서 보셔도 됩니다. ^^ㅎㅎㅎ
아, 그리고 어젯밤 두마리 를 미용했습니다.
한꺼번에 두마리를 미용하려면 너무 힘들지만,
지금은 너무 시원합니다.
마치 오래 된 숙제를 다한 듯하여, 무거운 짐을 벗은 듯 하여, 마음이 아주 가뿐하고 뿌듯해졌습니다.

《我的宝贝 Betty(嬖)和Jjang-ah(壮)》
刚才我把我的宝贝Betty(嬖)和Jjang-ah(壮)的对话录音后在我的录音博客 [bó kè]( )上传了。

第二张照片是 :世界杯足球赛的时候我拍的。
哈哈~~看看过去的照片觉得有意思!如果你愿意多看/听它们的对话的话可以去那儿( ) 看看也行。

就是卸[xiè掉包袱[bāofu] 似的感觉,心里/心情轻松多了。

Nov. 4, 2012

THANK YOU, archersdancing!!!


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