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English Audio Request

213 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments
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If you find mu mistakes in English, please correct them and read as you want. Thank you very much!

=(June 12th 2012) I`m writing last Thursday`s entry. ========
(June 7th 2012) <This particular day>
I taught the 3rd grad kids(/3rd graders) today,
because their teacher was absent due to her mother`s sudden death. ( due to the death of her mother.)
The first group of pictures is of them jumping rope in PE class.
After I got off work, I took a bus to the Deahang-No to meet my old friends.
(Afte work off, I took a bus went to the Deahang-No for meeting my old friends.)
(Afte work off, I went to Deahang-No and meet friends by bus.)
(After work ,
I took a bus to Deahang-No to meet friends.)
While bus was moving, I casually looked outside the window and observed a city road that was crowded with people.
(While the bus was moving, I casually watched a city road that was crowded with people.) There were really many/different kinds of people in a street.
The second group of pictures is a view of Deahang-No.
Alongs the street, there were various kinds of street vendors.
Accesories, fortune telling, cocktails, dolls, glasses, various sculptures, etc..
Oh, water wa spouting from the fountain, as well.
The third group of pictures is of the dim sum we ate.
They were cute and delicious.



June 12, 2012

(2012.6.12) 오늘은 지난 주 목요일 일기를 쓰겠다.

(2012.6.7) <오늘 하루>
오늘 3학년 선생님 중 한분이 어머님의 별세로 결근을 하셔서, 그 반 아이들을 가르쳤다.
첫 번째 사진은 그 반 아이들이 체육시간에 줄넘기를 하는 모습이다.

일이 끝난 다음에 친구를 만나러 버스를 타고 대학로로 갔다.
버스가 갈 동안 사람들로 붐비는 길거리를 무심히 내다 보았다.
길거리에는 정말 다양한 사람들이 있다.

두 번째 사진은 대학로의 길거리의 모습이다.
길에는 다양한 노점상이 있다.
악세사리, 점보는 사람, 칵테일 바, 인형, 안경점….등등
아, 그리고 물을 뿜고 있는 분수도 있고,,,
세 번째 사진은 친구와 먹은 딤섬이다. 귀엽고 맛있었다.

June 14, 2012

RyomaPiano, Thank you as always! ^^


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