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English Audio Request

153 Words / 2 Recordings / 4 Comments

(May 29st 2012)<In the evening of the last day of three consecutive holidays,>
Last week, we had three consecutive holidays in Korea.
This is because last Monday falls on the 8th of April in the lunar calendar, which coincides with Buddha's birthday."
We call its 'Seokga tansinil'.
Buddha's birthday is a holiday in Korea like Christmas.
I had a lot of free time and I made good use of it.
So...In the evening of the last day of three consecutive holidays,
my family members stepped out and headed to Han River Park.
As you can see in my pictures, Betty and Zzang-ah were excited in my car.
They really like driving.
We bought a pizza and a box of fried chicken and ate them on the Han River Park,
and there was a cool breeze by the river that night.
I took some pictures with my phone, but it`s too dark to see.


  • --(May 29st 2012)<In the evening of the last day of three consecutive holidays,> ( recorded by bananaman ), British English (London)

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May 31, 2012

(한국에서는 지난 주에 사흘간 연휴가 있었습니다.
왜냐하면 지난 주 월요일은 음력 4월8일로 석가모니가 탄생일이기 때문이지요.
이날을 "석가 탄신일"이라 부르는데, 크리스마스와 마찬가지로 한국에서는 공휴일입니다.
그래서 나는 집에서 한껏 게으름을 부렸답니다.

그런데...연휴 마지막 말 저녁, 우리 가족은 집을 나서서 한강 공원으로 향했습니다.
오늘 제 사진에서 보시다시피, 베티와 짱아는 달리는 자동차 안에서 신이 났습니다.
정말 드리이브를 좋아 한다니까요.
우리는 파자와 프라이드 치킨을 사서 한밤의 시원한 강바람을 쐬며 먹었습니다.
핸드폰으로 사진을 찍었지만 어두워서 잘 안 보이네요.

May 31, 2012

2012.5.29) <三天连休的最后天个晚上>
这是因为上星期一是阴历四月八日,是释迦牟尼 [Shìjiāmóuní]的圣诞日 [shèngdàn]。
我们走之前买了比萨饼和炸鸡后 在夜里的江边 边乘着?/ 吹着?/ 清凉的江风边吃了 。

May 31, 2012

Thank you, RyomaPiano!!!

June 4, 2012

Thank you as always “bananaman" ♪~’


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