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English Audio Request

215 Words / 2 Recordings / 4 Comments

(May 12th 2012 On Saturday night : A dinner at the Han-river park
■Hi, how are you all?
Did you have a nice Saturday night / evening? / = Did you have a good time on Saturday night?
■Tonight my family and I went to the Han River Park.
■Actually, it started out like this.
■In the evening, I went to the department store with my son and husband to buy / to shop for / to look for trousers / pants for my son.
■After we bought his pants / them, we went to the grocery store to buy dinner.
■We happened to arrive, just before closing time, so most of the fresh food were discounted.
■We hurriedly bought a lot of food, and walked over / walked directly to the Han River Park .
■Even though it was a dark night, a lot of people were enjoying the nighttime river.
■There were many people walking, cycling, talking on the lawn, etc.
■We were also sitting on the lawn, and began to eat our dinner under neath the dark sky, next to the river.
■Having dinner with a breeze from the river is not bad.(=Having dinner with a riverside breeze is not bad.)
■Even though it was an unplanned dinner, it was so nice.


  • (May 12th 2012 On Saturday night : A dinner at the Han-river park ( recorded by bananaman ), British English (London)

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May 13, 2012

토요일 저녁: 한강공원에서 저녁식사를
■모두 안녕하세요? 토요일 저녁 잘 보내셨어요?
■오늘 밤에 우리 가족은 한강 공원에 갔었답니다.

■실은 일이 이렇게 된거랍니다.
■오늘 저녁 남편과 아들과 함께 아들 바지를 보러 백화점에 갔답니다.
■바지를 산 뒤 저녁거리를 사러 식품관에 갔더니, 때마침 문 닫는 시간 직전이라 신선식품을 마감세일을 하는 중이었습니다.
■그래서 우리는 서둘러 이것저것 음식을 산 뒤, 바로 한강 공원으로 향했습니다.
■비록 어두운 밤이었지만, 많은 사람들이 한밤의 한강을 즐기고 있었습니다.
■많은 사람들이 걷거나, 자전거를 타거나, 아니면 잔디밭에서 이야기를 나누고 있었습니다.
■우리도 잔디밭에 앉아서 어두운 하늘 아래, 강을 바라보며 저녁식사를 했습니다.
■강바람을 맞으며 저녁식사를 하는 기분이 꽤 좋았습니다.
■계획하지 않았던 갑작스런 저녁식사였지만 , 정말 좋았습니다.
(아, 오늘 사진은 캄캄한 한강에서 핸드폰으로 찍은 것이라 아무것도 안 보이지요? ~*.* ~; )

May 13, 2012

■买完裤子后为了买晚餐我们去了 食品 [shípǐn]部的时候,正好食品部在进行关门之前的打折新鲜食品 [shípǐn]活动。
■所以我们赶紧买一些食品 [shípǐn],直接开车去汉江公园.
■虽然黑的夜晚,不过不少人都出来享受 [xiǎngshòu]汉江的夜晚.
■有的人在散步 ,有的在骑车,有的在草地上闲聊 [xiánliáo].
■我们也坐在黑的夜空下的草地上, 看着江水吃了晚餐。
■吹着江微风 [wēifēng]吃晚饭很舒服挺不错。
(啊, 今天的照片是在黑黑的夜里用我的手机拍的,所以看不清楚。是吧? 不好意思! ~*.* ~; )

May 14, 2012

Thanks “bananaman" :♪♪~’

May 16, 2012

~Thank you, “RyomaPiano" :♪♪~’


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