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English Audio Request

78 Words / 2 Recordings / 4 Comments

~♥~Smiling faces>
I`m uploading some smiling faces.
These pictures are big smiling faces.
Yes! I should learn to smile like these smiling faces.
The sentences/phrases below are sentences/phrases about smiling.
This time when I tried to translate it into in English, I felt lazy and a little tired.
So I`ll translate it later...
If you are learning Korean, why not try it/ to translate it?
*These sentences/phrases and pictures below are which I quoted from following blog link



May 9, 2012

■现在我上传 [chuán]几个笑脸.
■开怀 [kāihuái]一笑的图画!
■下面的句子是跟笑有关 [yǒuguān]的句子.
■现在翻译 [fān‧yi]起韩文来,觉得有点累. 懒的翻译 [fān‧yi]成中文.
■所以下次慢慢翻译 [fān‧yi]把.
■不过在学韩语的中国同学们,你们试试翻译 [fān‧yi]吧?

May 9, 2012

웃는 얼굴을 올려 봅니다.

활짝 웃는 얼굴입니다.

네, 정말

저는 이렇게 활짝 웃는 방법을 배워야겠군요.

아래는 웃음과 관련된 문장입니다.

한국어 문장을 지금 중역하려니 좀피곤해지네요, 좀 귀잖아져서요.

다음에 천천히 해 볼게요.

한국어 공부를 하시는 여러분이 좀 해 보시겠어요?

May 14, 2012

Thank you always, “bananaman"

May 14, 2012

Thank you, "PACROSSL"!