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English Audio Request

483 Words / 2 Recordings / 6 Comments

(Apr25th 2012)The entry below is my English and Chinese entry from a year ago. Now I would like to check it agian if I have any other mistakes yet. So, would you let me know that? Thank you for reading。
--(Apr25th 2011)performing arts-----
Today I came back home very late, because in the evening I went to see a dance。
• Today I came back home very late, because in the evening I went to see a performing arts dance.

One of my friend`s husband bought the tickets for my two friends and me.
• One of my friend's husbands bought the tickets for the three of us.

I'm thankful to him! /
I appreciated the gesture! /
I'm grateful for his kindness!

My friends and I met at a cafe, where we had a simple dinner before going to the theater .
• Two friends and I met at a cafe, we had a simple dinner and then went to the theater.

OoooO~~part of the dance was difficult to understand.
• OoooO~~Some of that dance was difficult to understand.

It`s also not easy to explain this dance performance with my poor English,
I will try to describe it in more simple terms.
but • It's also not easy to explain the dance performance in my poor english, but I will try to explain it very simply.

Em,, tonight at the Deahag-no(대학로), there was a dance performance.
• Em, tonight at the Deahag-no(대학로) there was a dance performance

It was composed of three (separate) dance performances.
• It was composed into three dances.

•In the first dance, four dancers performed.
In the second dance, there were two dancers - a man and a woman, and in the last dance, there were about ten dancers.
• The first dance, four dancer played.
In the first dance, four dancers performed.
In the second dance two dancers, a man and a woman performed.
Finally in the last dance, about ten people performed together.

During the performances, I felt that creating something is really not easy, whether or not it is successful.
• I felt again, that creating something really isn't easy, whether it`s excellent or not.

I took some pictures but I feel tired now, so I would like to go to bed as soon as possible@,@/ I'll be back tomorrow night, and continue to write (in) my Korean journal, upload pictures and recordings.
• I took some pictures but I feel tired now, so I would like to go to bed as soon as possible @,@/. Tomorrow night I will come again, and continue to write, upload pictures, Korean journal and record together.

Bye~ Sleep well! I am so sleepy now,@.@See you tomorrow!*.*/
• Bye~ Sleep well! I am so sleepy now,@.@See you tomorrow!

★ Today pictures: Two baby polar bears (that were) born in January 17th, in a Chinese zoo. Do you like animals?



April 25, 2012

------<무용 공연>--(2011.4.15.월)----------------------------------------
• 오늘은 무용공연에 다녀 오느라, 귀가가 매우 늦어졌습니다.
• 실은 친구 남편이 우리 세 친구를 위해 공연 티켓을 사 준 것이지요.
• 작년에도 무용공연을 보여 주었는데, 무척 고맙게 여깁니다.
• 친구 둘과 까페에서 만나 간단한 저녁 식사를 하고 극장으로 갔습니다.
• 우~~~~ 이 무용극이 난해한데다가 (이해하기 어려움), 나의 이런 어설픈 영어 실력으로 설명하기엔 더더군다나 너무 힘들지만, 아주 간단하게 설명해 보겠습니다.
• 음~~~ 오늘 저녁 대학로에서 무용공연이 있었습니다.
• 그 공연은 세 종류의 무용으로 편성되어 있었는데,
• 첫 번째는 네 명의 무용수가 공연했으며,
• 두 번째 공연은 두 명, 여자1명과 남자 1명의 무용수가 공연했습니다.
• 그리고 세 번째 공연은 열명의 무용수가 공연했고요.
• 다시 한번 느끼지만, 창작이란 정말 쉽지 않은 작업임을 느꼈습니다. 그것이 훌륭하던 않던 간에 말이지요!
• 사진 몇 장을 찍었지만 지금은 피곤해서 빨리 눕고 싶어요.@,@/.
• 내일 밤 다시 와서 마저 쓰고, 사진도 올리고, 한국어 일기와 녹음도 함께 올리겠습니다.
• 안녕! 모두 편안히 주무셔요!
• 난, 너무 졸려서~~~그럼, 내일 뵙겠습니다.
★ 오늘 사진: 2011.1.17일에 태어난 두 북극곰 / 중국 동물원/ 너~~무~~ 귀여워요! 여러분은 동물을 좋아하세요?
Korean Audio>>

April 25, 2012

• 今天晚上 我看了跳舞表演 ,所以回家特别晚。
• 其实,那场表演的票是我朋友的爱人为了我们特意买的。
• 去年他也有请了我们一起看了一场,因此我非常感谢他。
• 我们三个人在咖啡厅见面后,吃了简单的晚餐后去了剧场.
• 哦~~~这场跳舞剧不容易理解,又加上我英文水平又不是很高,所以用英文来说明的确有点困难。不过我简单点试试解释一下吧。
• 恩~~今天晚上,在大学路的舞蹈wǔ dǎo剧场里进行了这场跳舞表演.
•这场表演是由三个舞台构成的,第一台是四位舞蹈演员//wǔ dǎo yǎn yuán的表演,第二场是一男一女,两个人表演的。
• 还有第三场是十个舞蹈演员//wǔ dǎo yǎn yuán一起共同表演
• 我在看表演的时候,再次感受到“创造”真不是一件容易的事,
• 真的是件很不容易的工作。
• 今天我拍了几张照片,不过我现在太累了只想去睡觉.
• 明天晚上我再来继续写韩文版的,然后录音,还有上传照片吧
• 今天我太困了~~~大家好好睡觉!那明天见!
★ 今天的照片:2011年一月17日 出生的北极熊小宝宝。在中国的动物园。哇~~~太可爱!可爱极了!!你们喜欢动物吗?!

April 25, 2012

Aren`t you tired?

SoooOo thanks, and I feel sorry as well!
Anyway, I`m happy that I can enjoy your recording! o^.^o

April 25, 2012

you're welcome bangbang! nah, i'm not tired! it was fun/interesting to read~ :)

April 26, 2012

Thank you, bananaman! ^.^/

April 26, 2012

Thank you very much, "RyomaPiano”~♪


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