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English Audio Request

436 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments

(Apr 25th 2012) I`m rewriting my entry from two years ago today. If I have any other mistakes, please check them, and let me know what they are. Thank you for reading!

~~(Apr 25th 2010)《 A pleasant Spring day.》~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Today I got up very late. So my husband and I went out to take our 2 dogs on a walk. Why? You know, because it`s a lazy Sunday! ^^♪ So, my husband and I took my two dogs walking. ( So with husband went out take talking for my 2 dogs walking.)

Betty is the mother (She's ten or more years old) and her son is called ZZang-ah(He's seven years old).
(= Betty is the mom dog (10 years or more of age ) , and her son is called Zzanga (7 years old). )

"Wow, the weather is really nice today.
(=Wow~ it was really nice weather.)

Finally, Spring is here.
(=Finally spring has really come.)
((Finally, Spring has come. came now.)
( Finally the real spring has come now.)

My husband didn`t bring the dog's leashes , so I was a little afraid.=(My husband didn`t take a dog lead, so i was somewhat afraid.)
In Seoul, when we take our dogs walking, we should use dog leashes. (=Because in seoul when we take dogs for walks, we should use dog leads,.

But, I told myself that I don't mind it too much.
(=but , I told myself I don`t need to mind too much. )
It's only for one day, so it's ok to let them run free.' ^.^
So, Betty and Zanga were very happy.
They ran and ran and jumped and jumped. It was very fun and I was happy. I did that too!
But, in my heart I was afraid of being reproached.
(=But in fact in my heart there was a fear of reproach..)

So, I held Zzang-ah in my arms, and my husband held Betty, and we returned home soon.
But, Betty and Zzang-ah had a really good time taking a walk in the pleasant spring weather.
(But it was a good time for Betty and Zzanga , under the genial spring weather, to take a walk!)

*Do you have any advice about taking care of dogs in an apartment?( =*Do you have any opinion about taking care of dogs in an apartment?)
It is not easy to have dogs in an apartment. In Korea, there are many people that keep dogs in their apartments.( but in fact in korea, there are so many people that keep dogs in their apartments.), including me. We should just be careful .


  • (Apr 25th 2010)《A Pleasant Spring Day ( recorded by bananaman ), British English (London)

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April 25, 2012

THANK YOU~ "bananaman"!


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