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English Audio Request

216 Words / 1 Recordings / 3 Comments

(Apr 22th 2012) This time , I`m rewriting my entry from a year ago. If I have any other mistakes untill?/ yet?/till?/, please correct them. Thanks for reading!
(Apr 17th 2011 21:11 )
Hi everyone, how are you?This time I am rewritng yesterday`s English entry.Two friends helped me correct yesterday's entry, so I will record it in Korean for them. I appreciate my frends` help! Oh, today`s pictures are 'the spring which is coming in our downtown street trees'.
---(Apr 16th 2011 21:11 )
(#1)• Today I went out with my son, and we took a walk under the spring sunlight.
• In the evening we went to the market and bought something to eat.
• Yes, I took many pictures but now I can`t do anymore.
• I should go to bed now. I`m too sleepy now, I can`t stand anymore..
Tomorrow I will write more. sleep well ! 
(#2)• This afternoon I went out with my son and we took a good walk under the nice spring sunlight, and in the evening we went to the market and bought something to eat.
• I took many pictures, but I can't function anymore.
• I should go to bed now. I`m too sleepy now, I can`t stand anymore.
•Tomorrow I will write more. Sleep well.


  • (2011.4.17)‘우리 도심의 가로수에 찾아 오고 있는 봄’'The spring which is coming in our downtown street trees, 路旁的树枝春意盎然[chūn yì àng rán]' ( recorded by bananaman ), British English (London)

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April 22, 2012

(2011.4.17)‘<우리 도심의 가로수에 찾아 오고 있는 봄’>
하이, 여러분 모두 안녕하셔요? 어제 영어 일기를 지금 다시 쓸 거예요.어제 두 친구가 제 영어일기를 고쳐 주었는데, 그 친구들을 위해서 한국어로 녹음을 하려고 합니다.친구의 도움에 감사 드립니다.아, 오늘 사진은 ‘우리 도심의 가로수에 찾아 오고 있는 봄’입니다.
(2011.4.17)‘<大家好! 现在重新写我昨天写的英语日记。 昨天两个朋友帮我修改了日记,我想为了他们用韩文录音。 再一次对那位朋友的帮助 表示感谢. 阿 ,今天我上传的照片是“路旁的树枝春意盎然[chūn yì àng rán]

(2011 4.16)
今天我跟儿子一起出门, 沐浴 [mù yù]在春天的阳光下。 我们晚上去了购物中心/商场/买些吃的。今天拍了不少照片,不过现在什么也做不了。 我还是赶快去睡觉,因为太困什么也动不了。明天来再多写吧。
(2011 4.16)
•오늘은 아들과 함께 외출 해서, 봄 햇살 이래를 걸었습니다.저녁에는 마트에 가서 먹을 것을 좀 샀고요.오늘 사진을 많이 찍었는데, 지금은 아무것도 못 하겠어요.지금 자러 가야겠어요, 너무 졸려서 더 이상 아무것도 못 하겠어요. 내일 더 쓸게요.
Korean audio->

April 22, 2012

(Apr 17th 2011 21:11 )
Hi everyone, how are you?This time I am rewritng yesterday`s English entry.Two friends helped me correct yesterday's entry, so I will record it in Korean for them. I appreciate my frends` help! Oh, today`s pictures are 'the spring which is coming in our downtown street trees'.
---(Apr 16th 2011 21:11 )
1)• Today I went out with my son, and we took a walk under the spring sunlight.
• In the evening we went to the market and bought something to eat.
• Yes, I took many pictures but now I can`t do anymore.
• I should go to bed now. I`m too sleepy now, I can`t stand anymore..
Tomorrow I will write more. sleep well ! 
(#2)• This afternoon I went out with my son and we took a good walk under the nice spring sunlight, and in the evening we went to the market and bought something to eat.
• I took many pictures, but I can't function anymore.
• I should go to bed now. I`m too sleepy now, I can`t stand anymore.
•Tomorrow I will write more. Sleep well--

April 23, 2012

Thank you, bananaman!


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