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English Audio Request

220 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments

The best way to manage your stress is to learn healthy coping strategies. You can start practicing these tips right away. Try one or two until you find a few that work for you. Practice these techniques until they become habits you turn to when you feel stress.

1. Write: It may help to write about things that are bothering you. Write for 10 to 15 minutes a day about stressful events and how they made you feel. Or think about starting a stress journal. This helps you find out what is causing your stress and how much stress you feel. After you know, you can find better ways to cope.

2. Let your feelings out:

Talk, laugh, cry, and express anger when you need to. Talking with friends, family, a counselor, or a member of the clergy about your feelings is a healthy way to relieve stress.

3. Focus on the present:

Meditation and guided imagery are two ways to focus and relax your mind.

i)Meditate. When you meditate, you focus your attention on things that are happening right now. Paying attention to your breathing is one way to focus.

ii)Use guided imagery.With guided imagery, you imagine yourself in any setting that helps you feel calm and relaxed. You can use audiotapes, books, or a teacher to guide you




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