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How to Stretch
Stretching may seem simple, but there are a few simple tips you can follow to get the most out of your stretching routine.

Stretch after your workout, or at the very least, warm up for a few minutes first. Stretching cold muscles can lead to injury. A few minutes of walking can be enough to get the blood flowing so your ready for some stretches.
Target a variety of muscles. If you've just gone for a run, stretch your legs, hips and buttocks. Arms, shoulders and back stretches are a good idea since many people hold tension in these areas. If you like, end with a few whole body stretches to completely relax your body. There are many stretching resources online to give you ideas.
Hold each stretch for about 30 seconds and repeat two or three times. Whatever you do, don't bounce, which can cause small muscle tears that lead to tighter muscles, not more flexibility.
Stretch to the point at which you feel tension, but not pain. If it hurts, you're going to deep into the stretch.
Breathe deeply while you stretch. Holding your breath deprives the muscles of oxygen, which they need while they're working.
Stretch a few times per week or after every workout. Adding yoga to your exercise routine is a great way to stretch while learning techniques to relieve stress and quiet your mind.
Stretching a few times per week can do much more than improve your flexibility. It can improve your overall athletic performance, reduce your chances of injuring yourself and reduce stress. Not bad for a few minutes of relaxation after your workout.


Mayo Clinic, “Stretching: Focus on Flexibility,” March 17, 2010




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