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English Audio Request

292 Words / 2 Recordings / 0 Comments
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speed a bit slow and theatrical if you can (this is for 6th grade students, A1 level learners). Thanks a lot for your time!

Down the hole, Mrs Fox is cleaning Mr Fox's tail.
“It hurts”, says Mr Fox.
“I know, sweetheart. But it will get better”
“And it will grow again, Dad”, says one of the Small Foxes.
“It will never grow again!” says Mr fox. He looks very sad.

There is no food for the foxes tonight, and the children fall asleep. Then Mrs Fox falls asleep. But Mr Fox can't fall asleep because of the pain.
“Well” he thinks. “I suppose I'm lucky to be alive. And now they know where we live. We have to move out. We will never get peace if we..... What is that?”
He turns his head and listens. The noise is really scary. It is the noise of shovels.
“Wake up!” he shouts. “They are digging !”

Mrs Fox wakes up. She sits.
“Are you sure?”
“I'm positive! Listen!”
“They will kill my children!” cries Mrs Fox.
“Never!” says Mr Fox.
“Will they kill us Mummy?” asks one of the Small Foxes.

Suddenly, there is a really loud noise and a shovel comes out of the ceiling. Mr Fox jumps and shouts “Come on! There's not a moment to lose! A fox can dig very quickly!” and he begins to dig.
“Nobody in the world can dig as quick as a fox!”
Mrs Fox starts to help Mr Fox. The children also start to help.

The tunnel grows. The mother and the father and all the children are digging together. After one hour, Mr Fox stops. All is quiet. “Phew!” says Mr Fox. “Well done, everyone!”

They all sit down and Mrs Fox says to her children, “Your father is a fantastic fox.”
Mr Fox looks at his wife and she smiles. He loves her very much.


  • Fantastic Mr Fox 4 ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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  • Fantastic Mr Fox 4 ( recorded by el ), Southern English

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