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English Audio Request

309 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments
Note to recorder:

Natural speed but not too fast please (this is for year 7 (6th grade) students. You can be a little theatrical to help them understand better, if you don't mind.

“Well, my darling,” says Mr Fox. “What do you want to eat tonight?”
“I want to eat duck tonight”, says Mrs Fox. “Bring two fat ducks please. One for you and me, and one for the children. Be careful.”
“My darling,” says Mr Fox, “I can smell the farmers. Boggis has a chicken smell, Bunce has a goose smell, and Bean has an apple smell.”

“Yes, but don't be imprudent.” says Mrs Fox.
“Don't worry,” says Mr Fox. “See you later.”

But Mr Fox doesn't know the plan of the three farmers. They are outside the hole, behind a tree. They are waiting. The wind is blowing in the opposite direction, Mr Fox can't smell the farmers.

Mr Fox comes out of the hole. He stops and smells the air. He is really careful. He doesn't smell any sign of danger. He walks and he hears a tiny noise. He stops and waits. The wood is very quiet and the moon is shining.
Then, Mr Fox sees a shining object far away. What is it? It is coming. Oh no! It's a gun!
Quickly, Mr Fox jumps in the hole and hears BANG-BANG-BANG !

Boggis and Bunce and Bean comes out from the trees.

“Oh no! There is some blood. It must be from the tail of the fox. The fox is not here. It's too late!” says Boggis.

Beans drinks some cider and says “Now we must wait three days before Mr Fox is hungry and comes out of the hole. I can't wait. Let's dig the fox out !”

“Ah” says Boggis. “That's a good plan! We can wait for a moment and dig the fox out. We know he is here.”

“I'm sure there is a big family of foxes in the hole.” Bunce says.

“A lot of foxes!” says Bean. “Let's get the shovels !”


  • Fantastic Mr Fox 3 ( recorded by Shoda ), Standard Arabic, Egyptian Arabic, British English

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May 5, 2020

I hope it is theatrical enough to show it to your students, maybe if you can wait for few hours later, I can upload another audio with my mother and father, to make it look real because it is late now, so I have to wait till they wake up, what do you think? :)

May 7, 2020

Don't worry, it's ok like this ! Thanks !


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