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English Audio Request

538 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments

Industrial growth started after the Civil War. Major was around coal mining, oil, railways, manufacturing of steel goods. Urbanization was the main trend, especially in the North. During this period the usa became he world’s leading industrial power.
In 1914 the First World War started. On one side there were the Allies (France, Great Britain and Russia). On the other side the main countries were Germany and Austria, who were called the Central Powers. The Americans wanted to keep out of the war. But they found it difficult to stay imperial for long. The trade between the USA and the Allies grew quickly, German leaders decided to sink American ships sailing towads Allied ports. In April 1917 Woodrow Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany. The first American military mobilization on foreign soil wasn’t until 1917 when the US entrad the WWI against Germany and helped France and England. US president W. Wilson helped negotiate a peace treaty in 1918. When the war was over, the USA was the richiest credit country in the world.

The „Roaring Twenties“ brought large economic growth until the Great Depression started after the stock market crash in1929. In the next decade unemployment was high and poverty widespread. The Depression lasted till the beginning of the WWII.

In 1932 Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the Democratic Party candidate, was elected president. He introduced a series of measures, which were called the New Deal. These made Roosevelt very popular. He was the only American president who served three successive terms and was elected to a fourth (but he died in 1945)

In 1941 the Japaneese launched an air raid, which targeted the naval base of Pearl Harbour and the USA entred the WWII on the side of the Allies. President Harry Truman ordered the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima nad Nagasaki. During the war Roosevelt and later Truman were negotiating with the Soviets ( led by Stalin ) and the British about how the war should be fought, about founding the United Nations Organization and about structuring the post-war world.

The „Cold War“ period after the WWII saw increasing mistrust between the USA and the Soviet Union. There were several war conflicts e.g. Korean War, but generally the enemy countries tried to limit each other’s influence around the world.

The post-war period was a time of economic expansion. The US continued as a world leader in scientific, medical and technological achievements. The Soviet Union was the first to put a man in space, the US has the first man to walk on the Moon (1969, Neil Armstrong)

The 60s saw great social change and unrest. American blacks demanded an end to racial discrimination through the civil right movement – civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in 1968. The assassinations of president John F. Kennedy in 1963 and Robert Kennedy in 1968 shocked the world.
The Vietnam War brought further internal unrest. This continued until the 70s with the political corruption – the Watergate Scandal and the resulting resignation of president Richard Nixon (he was forced to resing). US troops were finally withdrawn from Vietnam in 1975.

After the Watergate Scandal Gerald Ford replaced Nixon and had to deal with serious economic recession.



May 18, 2012

When referring to WWI and WWII we don't say "the WWII" but simply "WWII". I read it the way it should be. Also, we don't say "the USA", we say "the US" or "the United States of America".

I hope this helps!!!


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