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Hungarian Audio Request

1 Words / 4 Recordings / 1 Comments
Note to recorder:

This is my first time speaking your language

I am a beginner

I’m sorry, I didn’t understand

Can you please repeat that?

Can you say that slower?

Can you please write that out?

Can you say that with different words?

One moment

Wait please

I have to look that up

I am using a dictionary right now


Ordinary “initial conversation” phrases to start off your chat

How are you

I’m good

Thank you

Nice to meet you

I want to practice introducing myself

Where do you live?

What do you do for work?

What languages do you speak?

Thank you for talking to me





Oct. 8, 2014

'sz' is a single consonant in hungarian like the ending of english word "less" or british "mace".


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