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English Audio Request

3 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments

--Already recorded, thanks!--


  • Part 4 - Answer (1/3) ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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    Yeah. Hello ... I'd like to start by saying that, like many city teenagers, I don't have much contact with the countryside. I live off a busy, polluted shopping street, full of people and cars, in the middle of a crowded city and I'd never really given any thought to wildlife. Even though every house down my street has got a bit of a garden and we have trees along the road and a piece of waste ground at one end, it seemed nothing out of the ordinary, and I took it all for granted.
    My attitude started to change when we had to do a survey of the wildlife in the city as part of a school project. We chose ten families from the street and we asked them just to write down all the animals, birds, insects and so on that they could remember seeing in their garden or down the street during the last couple of years.

    All sorts of surprising things soon started coming out of that survey; like that we have twenty different sorts of butterflies, fifty different types of birds, and all sorts of animals, even some quite large ones like foxes and deer. At first we wondered what it meant, like was it a world record or something?
    We had no way of knowing. So what we did is we got in touch with a nature reserve out in the country, and asked them what they could see there.
    And that's when we realised that we have as much, if not more, wildlife than they do. And that's what really got us interested in the idea of a nature reserve here.


May 29, 2020

Thank you, Tim.
Of course I understand, thanks again for helping. The recording it is a bit noisy though, as it sound like you're moving the microphone while speaking, but it works anyway!


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