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English Audio Request

3 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments

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  • Test 2 ( recorded by julemac ), Australian

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    You know how sociable I am normally? Well, it's strange but I find people talking really puts me off when I'm trying to study, so I hardly ever work with a classmate, although it's much more fun. You'd think that the faculty library would be the best place for me then - an academic atmosphere and no distractions . You always get a few people whispering and coughing though and that annoys me. What I frequently do instead now is put on my earphones and have something blasting away, it doesn't matter what. That blocks out everything else and I get through the work in no time.


May 24, 2020

I changed it's to 'it is' when I spoke, because I was making a point and it seemed more natural (end of 2nd sentence). Your English is really good. I changed personal stereo to earphones because I don't think anyone would say that. I think in the context earphones sounds better as they can be connected to whatever your device is. Someone would be more likely to say 'put on my mp3' or listen to music. And it would be even better to say 'put IN my earphones' not 'put on' because they sit in your ears, but then if you had headphones you would probably put them on. Hope that makes sense!

May 25, 2020

Excellent, julemac! Thanks for your recording and your comments!


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