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English Audio Request

291 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please, speak slowly.

Life in space
-people will go for holidays to other planets
-aliens will land on Earth
-people will live on Mars

Medicine & genetic engineering
-people will eat plastic food
-we will find a cure for AIDS and cancer
-we will clone people
-people will live to be 130 years old

-the Pope will be a woman
-the USA will have its first woman president
-Slovenia will be the richest country in Europe
-there will be peace in the world
-we will feed the world; there will be less hunger in the world
-the world will have one language

-people will build large cities under the sea
-cities will be smaller
-in big cities people will travel around on moving pavements
-people will live in 3-element houses (air, earth, water)

School & learning
-the school week will be shorter
-robots will teach all the lessons at school
-children will learn the same things at school
-children won't go to school, they will learn from television and computers at home
-students' desks will be motorised and students will drive them like cars
-children will learn while they sleep

-cars will fly; people will drive flying cars/skycars
-people will talk to computers
-robots will do all the housework
-computers will have feelings
-there will be a cable car to Triglav
-people will wear glasses for looking backwards

Work & play
-people will have more free time
-televisions will be more interesting
-a computer programme will be the world chess champion
-books will not be common anymore

The environment
-the air will be worse
-the Earth will be warmer and there will be droughts in Europe
-we will use solar and wind energy
-we will use cars that run on water


  • Predictions, Touchstone 7, exercise 3b/page 122 ( recorded by farisr ), Massachusetts USA

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