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English Audio Request

513 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
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Hi! I would be happy to hear a native english speaker reading these sentences :). Thanks in advance!

1. Smoking can cause fatal diseases.
2. The pathogen could spread to humans who ate contaminated beef.
3. Encephalitis may be caused by a virus or lead poisoning, or it may be a complication of another disease, such as

influenza or measles.
4. An infection caused by a bacterium transmitted by the bite of a tick is called Lyme disease.
5. Subsequent to their arrival in Chicago, they bought a new car.
6. Cold weather affected the crops.
7. He created his own domestic fuel source in Texas.
8. There are a lot of species which haven't been discovered yet.
9. But right now I'm immersed in forensic pathology and criminology books.
10. Our train delayed 30 minutes.
11. This is the main principle you have to follow.
12. A superior conjunction occurs when Earth and the other planet are on opposite sides of the Sun, but all three bodies

are again nearly in a straight line.
13. Plants cannot live without water.
14. You have to remove all the samples from the box.
15. The head of a tick must be removed immediately.
16. It was a medium-sized tick but we had difficulties in removing if from her skin.
17. This type of a tick can differ from the ticks which are already known to human.
18. In 3 days the tick increased 3 times in circumference.
19. It sucked a lot of blood and was fully bloated.
20. When a tick gorged himself with blood it suddenly exploded.
21. The procedure differs for this kind of test.
22. My t-shirt was blood-soaked when my arm started to bleed.
23. The sample material must be protected against all the possible dirt.
24. The hurricane immobilized the airlines.
25. Everybody should be careful in a warzone.
26. It was her first appearance at the meeting with her clients.
27. It will indicate a negative result if you put a dirty sample.
28. Fortunately your blood doesn't contain any bacterium.
29. Where will it appear on the strip?
30. You will have to consider my proposal.
31. Do not judge his behavior without considering every circumstance.
32. Under no circumstances should you see them again.
33. It won't be visible until you clean it.
34. My computer serves as a server.
35. Almost a third of these are embedded in the cell's outer membrane.
36. She will be available till 6 pm.
37. All the necessary components are provided in the box.
38. Accommodation is provided on-site.
39. He did not have much knowledge of these species.
40. The nymphs, or first larval stages of mayflies, are also adapted to very particular conditions.
41. Draw a circle six centimetres in diameter.
42. It is simple and convenient to use.
43. An inspector ensures that food is prepared in hygienic conditions.
44. Davis' execution on his last jump was perfect.
45. My parents wouldn't allow me to go to the party.
46. A birth control method that is cheap and reliable.
47. The illness was diagnosed as mumps.
48. She was diagnosed with breast cancer.




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