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English Audio Request

610 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
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Me : Which is correct "I've just created a saving account at the bank" or "I just created a checking account"?

Bálint : Apart from that, people say it with and without 'have' too. It depends on the dialect.

Ellen : I would say, "I just opened a savings account at the bank." I can't see using "create" for that. Also, saying "savings account" makes it clear that it is not the other most common type of account, which is a checking account

Me : I mean "created" I pronounced it wrong.

Ellen : You did say created and didn't pronounce it wrong. But I would use the verb "to open," not the verb "to create."

Bálint : It's one of those times one when it's grammatically correct but unnatural as a collocation. (to use the word "create" there)

Me : "Savings" have the same meaning in this context. "I always put my savings in a piggy". I think "checking account" have the same meaning than "savings account".

Ellen : In English they are two different accounts. One you can write checks off and one you can't.

Karen : Ellen, just to screw with your head a bit, the UK version of a checking account is known as a "current account"

Ellen : That is messed up.

Jo : Checking account? THAT is messed up!

Alexis : Checking account is not messed up, Jo!

Jo : It's not intuitive at all! Current accounts ftw (by the way, it would be "текущий счет" in Russian which directly translates to "current account" so there *sticks tongue out*)

Karen : Alexis, a check is a cheque on my side of the pond

Alexis : I have no idea what is intuitive about current account, unless you're talking about the money you save away for paying electricity, Jo. Russian is irrelevant.

Jo : I still can't get used to "check" being used to mean "cheque".

Jo : Karen, totally beat me by 2 seconds!

Alexis : I know, Karen, it's not terrible, just not great.

Alexis : Checkity check CHECK. Americans say this when crossing things off a list.

Karen : Jo and I would trump you at Scrabble with cheque though Alexis, *sticks out tongue* "neener-neener!!!"

Jo : Fair enough. Also in Russian we've got "чековый счет" too which sort of means "checking account" BUT WHO CARES

Alexis : Pumpkin-eater!

Karen : Alexis, check your cheque to see if you've written it correctly.

Alexis : I checked my check and it looks just fine.

Alexis : Ha ha, Jo, I told you it made sense!

Karen : Cheque again, you may have written it in Czech

Jo : Also, why on earth do you lot use "check" when you mean "restaurant bill"? Diversify, people!

Ellen : It's part of the American mystique

Alexis : Because you pay utility bills, but food is a check business. Get with it!

Alexis : Karen, no more.

Karen : Jo , I'm glad it's not just me that wonders about that when eating out. To me " Can I have the check/cheque please", is like me asking them for money for the pleasure of eating the meal.

Alexis : We would just outright say "give me money for eating this slop, fool". Karen

Karen : How dare you say that about a slop(py) Joe, Alexis! . And yes, I even know what one of those is. It's a burger gone wrong, that's what it is

Alexis : I haven't had a Sloppy Joe in YEARS. I hate that stuff. I really don't like barbecue and all that messiness... I'm proud of you for knowing though, good going




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