Hi, I'm Hanoch, an intermediate english learner. I'm collecting some audio files recorded by the native speakers for my personal use of english learning. I'm trying to build up my personal database of english setences which are all illustrated with pictures. Therefore, I really need your help so that I can match each sentence with an pronouncing audio, which will be greatly helpful to my learning process.
Format of the reading contents:
1. To begin with, read the word or the phrase twice. This is for the pronunciation of that word or phrase.
2. Then, read the definition of the word only once and the example of use that follows it twice.
For example:
apple (read this part twice)
Apples is a ground and red fruit that grows on the tree. (pause for a while then continue reading) For example: (read this part only once)
I can see an apple on the tree. (twice)
Here're some requests for the recording:
1. Make sure the recording file is of high quality and with no background noise, so that the pronunciation of each syllable can be heard clearly.
2. Read the text a little bit slower than the normal speed at which english is spoken in real life, for the recording is meant for learning materials, so please read these contents like the way you explain them to a foreigner or a 4-5 year old kid who is still learning the basics of english.
3. Please read these contents with emotions.
4. You can make corrections when there's a grammatical mistake in any of these the sentences.
Thanks a lot if you finish reading all the contents above, your reply with recordings is highly appreciated.
arcade machine
An arcade game or coin-op is a coin-operated entertainment machine typically installed in public businesses such as restaurants, bars and amusement arcades. For example:
There're all kinds of games on this arcade machine.
You can use aerial to describe things that exist or happen above the ground or in the air. For example:
The aerial view of this city is breathtaking!
A colony is a country which is controlled by a more powerful country. For example:
Many African countries are former European colonies.