Would like for a native Japanese speaker to narrate short prologue. Normally I would just go on youtube or nicovideo and find a 実況プレイ, but there are absolutely NONE available for this game that narrate the text. All I found are 1 video were the player just says what he wants to say without reading the game, and another video where the player is completely silent! I love listening to prologues of video games narrated by a Japanese.. please help!
それは、ただの 高校生だった俺の生活を一変させるでき事だった。
それから一年の月日が流れ、まだ 俺は、平穏の中にいると信じていた…。
Thanks fujimuu!
Sorry for the very late reply.
I used to frequent the heck out of this website prior to 2019, but since that time, I mainly focus on reddit translator for all my translation need, so this site has since sort of become somewhat obsolete for me. (not that this site isn't good, I still love it!)
I've waited 3 years to find a native speaker to voice that audio, sounds great!