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Croatian Audio Request

270 Words / 0 Recordings / 0 Comments
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This list is a list of verbs from the Fluent Forever Blog. The author recommends a beginning language learner learn 625 vocabulary words to begin communicating. Please leave a second or two between words as I will be cutting these apart to make flashcards. Just the Croatian, the English is to help me keep up. Hvala Lijepa!

Verbs - glagoli:
work - raditi,
play - igrati,
walk - hodati,
run - trčati,
drive - voziti,
fly - letjeti,
swim - plivati,
go - ići ,
stop – stati/zaustaviti,
follow - pratiti,
think - misliti,
speak/say - govoriti,
eat - jesti,
drink - piti,
kill - ubiti,
die - umrijeti,
smile – osmjehnuti se,
laugh – smijati se,
cry - plakati,
buy - kupiti,
pay - platiti,
sell - prodati,
shoot(a gun) - pucati,
learn - učiti,
jump - skočiti,
smell - mirisati,
hear* (a sound) - čuti,
listen* (music) - slušati,
taste - okusiti,
touch - dodirivati,
see (a bird) - vidjeti,
watch (TV) - gledati,
kiss - poljubiti,
burn (something) - spaliti,
melt - rastopiti,
dig - kopati,
explode - eksplodirati,
sit - sjediti,
stand - stajati,
love - voljeti,
pass by - proći,
cut - isjeći,
fight – boriti se,
lie down - leći,
dance - plesati,
sleep - spavati,
wake up – probuditi se,
sing - pjevati,
count - računati,
marry - oženiti se (M)/ udati se (F),
pray - moliti,
win - osvojiti,
lose – (iz)/gubiti,
mix/stir - izmiješati,
bend - saviti,
wash - oprati,
cook - kuvati,
open - otvoriti,
close - zatvoriti,
write – napisati,
call – (po)zvati,
turn - skrenuti,
build - graditi,
teach - podučavati,
grow - rasti,
draw – (na)crtati,
feed - hraniti,
catch - hvatati,
throw - baciti,
clean - čistiti,
find - pronaći,
fall - pasti,
push - gurnuti,
pull - povući,
carry - nositi,
break - slomiti,
wear - nositi,
hang - objesiti,
shake - tresti,
sign - potpisati,
beat - batinati,
lift - podići


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